

Serving Southern Illinois since 1974

The mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled



Enrollment is underway for the 2023-21 school year. Download an enrollment form here.



科学上外网 ssr Carbondale New School is a progressive, independent, not-for-profit private school for students from PreK through eighth grade. We are not a new school; we have been here since 1974 when a small group of dedicated, determined, and visionary parents founded CNS. At the New School, we understand that students have a variety of learning styles and children's individual personalities are cultivated and respected. Children are allowed to develop at their own pace. Education is not a one-size-fits-all process.

Studies have shown that empathy, self-discipline and persistence are better predictors of academic success than either IQ or socioeconomic background. CNS is unique in that its faculty and staff address these character issues daily using Love & Logic® classroom techniques.

Mission Statement

The Carbondale New School provides quality, student-centered education that inspires confidence and a lifelong love for learning. We respond to each student's unique abilities and learning style within an inclusive and supportive community that values the intelligence, worth and creativity of all children. We empower children with knowledge, skills, compassion and a sense of responsibility for self and others.


As a parent-owned and operated not-for-profit corporation, we are committed to providing a diverse and dynamic learning environment as a leader in educational innovation. We will provide the autonomy and support to inspire excellence in the students, staff and parents of our school.

Learning Environment

CNS Field Trip CNS has small classes. Our commitment to small class size provides an intimate learning environment and promotes close bonds within the school family. CNS is a place where everybody knows your name. Learning comes to life through theme-based, hands-on experiences as well as many field trips. Our playground includes a small pine and hardwood forest and a big grassy area. Yes, CNS students get dirty! CNS students are passionate about fresh air and learning about nature, animal care, and becoming good stewards of the land.

"We find that kids in K through eights on average do better in eighth grade than kids that go to a K through 5," said Schwartz, adding the research backs it up: The longer grade spans--the K through eight schools--provide a better learning environment and as a result students do better emotionally and academically.


星光加速ssr For over four decades, CNS has provided creative, quality education to students in a safe and nurturing environment. Working together, students, teachers and parents create a community that fosters and maximizes students' intellectual, social, and emotional growth.

Vultr 的服务器怎么隔一天就 ping 不通了 - V2EX:2021-2-4 · 宽带症候群 - @RogerChan - 搬瓦工到期就换了 vultr 试下,先是使用的东京节点,装了 ss 和 fs ,第一天挺快的,过了一天就连不上了,也 ping 不通, ss 也不了。看了下网上,听说东京节点很容易 …

CentOS 7开启TCP BBR拥塞控制算法 - 卡秋莎的小窝:2021-1-29 · tcp_bbr是linux kernel 4.9.x开始支持的新特性,在带宽稳定的情况下,可伍达到类似于锐速的加速效果。 由于锐速被破解后官网关闭,停止更新,导致目前锐速仅支持3.10内核,所伍开启tcp_bbr是一个更好的选择。 毕竟是Google钦定的 实测: linode日本 ...


CNS is not affiliated with any religion & happily includes families of many faiths & cultures.

Early Out